Crafty Florist, Fresh Blooms

Florist in McLean AV

Looking for a unique, creative florist in McLean, VA? Discover beautifully designed floral arrangements perfect for any occasion. Browse our collection today!

  • Creative, unique arrangements
  • Fresh flowers guaranteed
  • Reliable, timely delivery
our best sellers

Captivating Creative Flowers in McLeanVA

Our best-selling florist bouquets combine nature and creativity, crafted to brighten any occasion and leave a lasting impression. Discover McLean VA customer favorites!

delivered by hand

handcrafted with care by our artisan florists

Our bouquets are artfully pieced together by skilled florists, ensuring each is a unique floral masterpiece.

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Choose Flower

Pick from a vibrant array of flowers to express just what you feel—each choice promises delight.


place an order

With your perfect flowers chosen, place your order. It’s seamless, quick, and just the beginning.


get flowers delivered

Sit back as we deliver your handcrafted bouquet swiftly, bringing joy straight to your doorstep.

Fast Delivery

Speedy blooms delivery, making smiles arrive fast!

always fresh cut

Guaranteed fresh, our flowers are petal-perfect!

Exceptional Support

Need help? Our flower wizards are here for you!

Beautiful, Trusted, Creative

Fresh Flowers, Happy Smiles

See what customers are saying about Crafty Things Florist and why they love our beautiful flowers!

“Absolutely stunned by the beauty of the bouquet from Crafty Things! It was fresh, vibrant, and delivered with such care. Made my day!”
Emma S.

Ashburn, VA

Crafty Things never disappoints! Their arrangements are always creative and last ages. Excellent service and gorgeous flowers every time.”
Alex J.

Ashburn, VA

“Ordered a custom bouquet for my mom’s birthday. The attention to detail was incredible and it arrived on time. She loved it! Thank you, Crafty Things!”
Mia K.

Ashburn, VA


Creative Florist in McLean, VA

Looking for one-of-a-kind bouquets? Explore beautifully crafted floral arrangements for every occasion. Check out our collection now!